Litteratursøgning 2011

Der er gennemført en litteratursøgning i maj 2011 i databaserne PubMed og CINHAL. Litteratursøgningen danner baggrund for den første udgave af Designprincipper for Lindrende Arkitektur.

Litteratursøgningen er lavet med følgende mesh (autoriserede) emneord:

Environment Design, Facility Design and Construction, Housing, Palliative Care, Terminal Care, Terminally Ill, Architecture, Health Facility Environment, Hospices, Cancer Care Facilities, Hospice Care, Terminally Ill Patients.

Og disse limits:
Sprog: Engelsk, tysk, dansk, svensk og norsk.

Hits og valg:
Søgningen i PubMed gav 114 hits, og på baggrund af abstracts er der valgt 66 artikler. Søgningen i CIHNAL gav 50 hits, og på baggrund af abstracts er der valgt 20 artikler.
Efter gennemlæsning er ialt 28 artikler inkluderet.

De udvalgte artikler, der omhandler de rammerne om patienter ramt af livstruende sygdom, men de bygger på forskelligt brug af metoder. Det er ikke alle studierne, der er brugt som baggrund for designprincipperne. De studier, der ligger til grund for designprincipperne er samlet i Litteraturlisten til Designprincipper for  Lindrende Arkitektur.



Artikler fra litteratursøgningen (2011)

Homicki, B. & Joyce, E. K. (2004). Art illuminates Patients’ Experience at the Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center. The Oncologist, 9, 111-114.

Hunt, L. (2011). Environments designed to heal. Nursing older people, 23(1).

Barton, M., Hood, D. & Roggy, S. (1998). First know thyself… The value of a hospice environmental analysis. The American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care, March/April.

Firth, S. (1999). Counseling model: creating a healing environment in hospitals. Patient Education and Counseling, 36, 81-89.

Ruddick, W. (1994). Transforming Homes and Hospitals. Hastings Center Report, 24 (5), 11-14.

Pease, N. J. F. & Finlay, I. G. (2002). Do patients and their relatives prefer single cubicles or shared wards. Palliative Medicine, 16, 445-446.

Reed, R. A. (1995) Creating a healing environment by design. Journal of ambulatory care management, 18.

Steele, E. Finding hope in treatment, Art to heal, art as a healing tool. 

Rowlands, J. & Noble, S. (2008). How does the environment impact on the quality of life of advanced cancer patients? A qualitative study with implications for ward design. Palliative Medicine, 22, 768-774.

Healy, V. (1986a). The hospice Garden: Addressing the patients’ needs through landscape. Del 1. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine/ the American Journal of Hospice Care, September/October.

Healy, V. (1986b). The hospice Garden Addressing the patients’ needs through landscape. Del 2. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicin/ the American Journal of Hospice Care. September/October

Spichiger, E.(2009). Being in the hospital: An interpretive phenomenological study of terminally ill cancer patients’ experiences. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 13.

Sweitzer, G. (1997). The need for adjustable lighting in palliative care. European Journal of Palliative Care 1997, 4.

Fricker, J. (2008). Design, Caring through architecture, 9, 521-522.

Lee, L. (2010). Building a life beyond cancer: Maggie’s Centres. European Journal of Palliative Care, 17(4).

Sällström, C., Sandman, P. O. & Norberg, A. (1987). Relatives’ experience of the terminal care of long-term geriatric patients in open-plan rooms. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Science, 1(3-4), 133-40.

Van Dijk, P. (1995). Combining aesthetics and practicality in health care architecture. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management, 18.

Degrémont N. (1998). Palliative care and architecture from hospital to people.European Journal of Palliative Care, 5(4).

Davis, S., Byers, S., Nay, R. & Koch, S. (2009). Guiding design of dementia friendly environments in residential care settings: Considering the living experiences. Dementia, 8, 185.

Robeznicks, A. (2007). Lighting the way. Modern Healthcare, 37(38), 1-10.

Combe, K. (2011). Building the future. Nursing Standard, 25(26), 6-20.

Faulkner, J. (2010). Homelike design appeals to patients and families. Hospice Management Advisor, apr.

Stropko-O’Leary, P. (2010). Feasibility, financing, and design are keys to success of inpatient hospice. Hospice management Advisor, apr.

Nuelsen, P. H.(1988). AIDS care and architecture. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management, maj

Malmborg, A. (2000). Hospice de Beaune – et för de sjuka. Läkartidningen. 97(24)

Hospital Home Health (2005). Adding hospice beds: Profiles of two efforts. Hospital Home Health, GA: American Health Consultants, nov.

Lawton, J. (1997). A room with a view. Nursing Times, 93(34), 53-54.

Broom, A. & Cavenagh, J. (2001). On the meaning and experiences of living and dying in an Australian hospice.

Health, Sage, juni.